3 Great Easter Party Ideas

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Easter is probably the second most looked forward to time of year for children following Halloween. Christmas is always a little tricky, because often gifts are clothing, but candy is a guarantee on Halloween and Easter. This Easter get the kids involved in making Easter baskets for each other. It will be a fun activity and help show them the pleasure in giving gifts. You can buy up a bunch of little plastic baskets and artificial grasses. Then put out the baskets with some decorative items kids can use to accent their baskets, such as ribbons, bows, cellophane and maybe even little gift cards so the kids can write who the basket goes too on the inside. This should be done under adult supervision. Finally they can load up the baskets with candy and toys and exchange them with each other.

The idea of the Easter bunny can seem not only exciting but sometimes pretty scary for little kids. Those who were warned not to try and peek at the Easter bunny delivering their baskets may fear even accidentally running into the holiday mascot. So to help make this Easter more enjoyable and let the kids see bunnies aren't big and scary you may find it fun to head out to a petting zoo for the holiday. Or hire a petting zoo to bring some Easter animals to your party.

Crafts are always a hit at Easter parties with little ones. You can decorate Easter eggs or paint Ukrainian style Easter eggs. Ukrainian Easter eggs are made using hollowed out egg shells with little wax resists coating them, then the egg is dipped in the dye, allowed to dry and the wax is melted off with a lit match. An adult of course will have to be in charge of the wax and of removing it from the egg shell. You can empty out an eggshell by poking two small holes in the top and bottom of the egg and blowing the inside out into a dish. So take these craft ideas and create memorable Easter holidays for your children to cherish.

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