Easter Bunnies

Image : http://www.flickr.com

In my Family, Easter holidays are a big deal. In most families - unless the family is very religious - the Easter holiday is something that passes by without much notice. You might hunt some Easter eggs, have a chocolate Easter bunny, and eat chicken and eggs for lunch, but that is about it. My mom, however, has changed Easter bunnies into a religion.

Way back when we were kids, our parents actually used to dress up as Easter bunnies. We were smart kids - we recognized them in costume, but we loved that they were playing make believe with us. We also enjoyed the fact that they would give us delightful chocolate Easter bunnies when they were in costume! Nothing compares to a chocolate Easter bunny in the minds of children everywhere. They are not just cute, sparkly, and substantial, but they are totally made out of chocolate! We would also get Cadbury creme eggs, colorful Easter cards, and the chance to put up Easter decorations with our parents. The most enjoyable part of the day, however, was the Easter egg hunts.

Easter Bunnies - the set up

My parents would actually prepare the whole thing - the exciting Easter eggs hunt, the decorations, the meal - dressed-up as Easter bunnies. To some people, this might look a little bit odd, but to us kids, it was one of the most delightful things you can imagine. Seeing your mom and dad become big, fluffy, hug giving bunny rabbits is something that any kid could appreciate!

Easter Bunnies - memories that can never be forgotten

Each year, the Easter egg hunt was different. My parents had traditions, but they didn't exactly have routines to follow. No two years were exactly the same because they could never remember how they did everything the year before. Some years, the Easter bunnies would have all of our friends and family over, and we would have an Easter egg hunt that could beat anything else in the world. Other years, on the other hand, was a pretty small affair. Sometimes, during rainy days, all of the Easter eggs would be hidden inside the house. Other years, we would finish the egg hunt early so that our "Easter bunnies" could bring us to the zoo where we could see real rabbits! The only thing that the different years had in common was that it was always all about Easter and it was always about having fun. Easter holidays are some of my warmest memories in my childhood, memories that will never be forgotten.

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