4 Tips For Christmas Decorating on a Budget

Love to celebrate Christmas? If you're like me and millions of others, you answered with an emphatic "Yes!" In fact, Christmas just might be your favorite holiday. And you can still celebrate and decorate your home in style even if you're on a tight budget.

The first tip for decorating within a budget is to set priorities on which rooms will definitely get decorated. You may not be able to lavish every room with holiday décor. Focus on those rooms you spend the most time in. And on the rooms your guests are most likely to see.

The second tip to saving money on your Christmas decorations is to plan. Yes; make a list and check it twice before you head out for any shopping. This helps eliminate - or at least minimize - impulse buying. It helps keep you from grabbing any and every cool thing you see.

How? When you have a list with a budgeted amount for each item (your best guess on what it will cost or how much you can afford to spend on each), then you're less likely to impulse buy. This is because for each impulse purchase you can see what other item has to get crossed off your list.

Remember, you only have a set amount to spend. This means if you add something that wasn't on your list... then you have to eliminate an item that originally was on your list. This keeps your budget in control.

This also means you'll have a more joyful Christmas because you don't have stress from overspending.

The third tip for sticking within your decorating budget is one I've already alluded to. Once you start shopping for decorations, don't go overboard. Don't exceed your budget. Stick with what's on your list and stay within the budgeted amount for each item on your list.

I know this is all simple advice; but that doesn't make it any less effective!

Remember your overall goal of saving money and staying within your budget. And here's another thought that may not only give you more discipline, but also make you feel good as you say "No" to extra stuff or expensive decorations: You'll have more money available for gifts or a nice Christmas dinner.

This leads to the fourth tip: Choose carefully WHERE you shop and WHEN you shop. Keep an eye out for sales. And don't hesitate to ask two or three sales people in each store about upcoming sales. Sometimes they're very nice about letting you know that in a few more days a big sale - maybe not even advertised yet - is happening. You'll get more "bang for your buck" shopping the sales.

It used to be Christmas decorations only went on sale after Christmas. Then the sales started hitting one or two days before Christmas. Check around because they keep hitting earlier and earlier each year. And this year with the economy it is likely retailers will be doing anything they can to stimulate sales.

Now as to WHERE to shop: Don't overlook your local dollar store. You just might be pleasantly surprised at what you can find in there! And the price is certainly right.

Depending on the dollar store you choose to shop at, you should be able to walk away with Christmas pictures, Christmas wall hangings for kids, Christmas tree decorations, Christmas lights, boxes that look like wrapped gifts you can place here and there for color, candy dishes, candles, and even Christmas potholders or towels for your kitchen.

Next check out the discount stores and price-club stores. While the prices at these stores vary, you should be able to find very nice decorations for five to maybe ten dollars each. Of course, there will always be items that cost more, but you'll have plenty of low-cost items to choose from that will bring lovely holiday cheer to your home.

One other idea regarding where to shop: Online auction websites (e.g., e-Bay), offer specialty decorations. Granted, they may be used but you just might end up with something quite special that you couldn't possibly afford to buy brand new. And by examining the items carefully during the auction, you could walk away with lovely Christmas decorations that are slightly used, but look new.

Even on a tight budget your home can still be festive and beautifully decorated for Christmas. Just remember to:

Choose which rooms you will decorate
Make a list of what you want to get and how much you have budgeted for each item. If you have no idea what you'll be getting, then set a budget for each room.
Stop buying when you hit the limit. Remember you'll have more money for gifts and a nice dinner if you don't overspend. And you really will enjoy the holiday more because you won't have the stress or fear of wondering how you'll pay the bills after the first of the year.
Watch for sales and take advantage of them. Also focus your shopping on dollar stores, some party outlet supply stores, and discount stores for the best deals. Merry Christmas!

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